Vocabulary Cartoons-SAT Word Power
Monic Book Inc
Vocabulary Cartoons-SAT Word Power makes studying for the SAT fun! I received a copy of this paperback book to review for the
TOS Crew. The book cover is colorful and inviting,not like many SAT practice books, which are big and intimidating. The books contains approximately 290 vocabulary cartoons. Each cartoon is a mnemonic device that is meant to aid in the memory of vocabulary words. The book is designed for anyone who is interested in improving their vocabulary, but it is particularly beneficial for preparing for test like the SAT or
GRE exam. Vocabulary Cartoons-SAT Word Power is priced at $12.99.
This 347 page book, has a very eye pleasing lay-out. Each page is devoted to one vocabulary word. At the top of each page, the vocabulary word is printed in bold print in a text box with it's phonetic pronunciation and part of speech. Next, there is a clear definition of the word followed by a link word. The link word is a simple word or phrase that rhymes or sounds like the vocabulary word. For example, the word affidavit would appear as:
af uh DAY
vit) n.
a sworn written statement
Below this text box is a black and white cartoon of David slaying Goliath and a caption that states: "AFTER DAVID slew Goliath, he made out an AFFIDAVIT not to further hurt any big guys."
The cartoon and caption are followed by a few sample sentences. The book is divided into twenty nine units, with each unit containing ten vocabulary words. Upon completion of a unit, there are review questions and an answer key in the back of the book. The review questions include matching and fill in the blank type questions.
My daughter, Kaela used Vocabulary Cartoons, as part of her
PSAT preparations. She enjoyed using the book and thought that most of the cartoons were funny. Kaela felt that learning vocabulary with mnemonics worked well for her,however not everyone is wired to learn using this method. She found that the number of words per unit was manageable and the review section was helpful. The one downside was the level of the vocabulary words. Both Kaela and I did not feel the words were challenging enough. Hopeful Vocabulary Cartoons II is more
challenging than book I. We would recommend using this book as part of a SAT preparation course. Why not have a little fun while studying???
The New
Monic Inc, publishing company has several books geared towards vocabulary development, including books for elementary level students. New
Monic Inc, also sells
blackline masters, overhead projector transparencies and a
PDF formatted disks for classroom use.
I received Vocabulary Cartoons-SAT Power in exchange for my honest review of the product.
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