Wow! We are already three weeks into October. As the weather turns chilly and the days grow short, I find I have a little more time to read my e-mail and catch up just a little before the Christmas rush.
This week's freebies are all e- newsletter that are free to join and they give out freebies regularly.
The first newsletter is called, "Homeschool Free Stuff". In this weekly publication you will find:
Free Homeschool Curriculum
Free Homeschool Lesson Plans
Free Homeschool Resources
Free Interactive Online Studies
Free Worksheets
Free Links to Online Websites, Activities, and More!
The next newsletter is " Homeschool Freebie of The Day". Just subscribe to their “Homeschool Freebies Alert” mailing list and they will send you an email about the upcoming week’s freebies each and every MONDAY morning, so you can make sure you get the ones you want! Simply… click on the link below.
The third link is from "The Old Schoolhouse Magazine" and it includes four possible e-newsletters. You can chose from:
(1) "The Special Offer" newsletter, where the monthly BONUS every month is 2 free weE-books!
(2) THE HOMESCHOOL MINUTET is a free weekly e-Newsletter for anyone homeschooling or considering it. It's brief, yet packed with a powerful dose of encouragement to keep you going strong in your commitment to your family and to the Lord. You'll enjoy favorite authors such as Todd Wilson, Ruth Beechick, Deborah Wuehler, and Nancy Carter, along with curriculum suggestions and help finding some of the best homeschool freebies on the web.
(3) Wondering what other homeschool moms would do in a situation. The Minute to Minute weekly newsletter, which comes out each Saturday, is our way of putting you all in touch with other homeschool moms. It truly is readers helping readers.
If you have questions that you'd like to share or if you would like to share some words of encouragement or practical tips with other homeschoolers, this is the newsletter for you!
(4) The Teacher's Toolbox is a great way to inject something extra into your teaching plans or homeschool on a shoestring. Each issue features hands-on teaching tips, links to free resources online, and a FREE E-Book. It's like a unit study of the month club. Stretch your budget and maximize the fun in your homeschool. Subscribe to any or all of these e-newsletters by clicking the link below.http://thehomeschoolmagazine.com/Join_Our_Newsletter_Lists.php
Happy reading! If you have been blessed by Freebie Friday, please share it with a friend.
Thanks and have a great week.
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