It is Like Having a Money Tree in Your Backyard!
This coming Saturday, students all over the country will be taking their SAT exams. This starts the busy season of test preparation as students start to think about college. Therefore, this week's freebies are websites geared towards SAT preparation.
The first website, http://www.ineedapencil.com/ was featured in the New York Times on January 7th, 2011. This site has 60 complete test prep lessons, full practice exams, and a summary feature that tracks your progress. The site seems promising and is 100% free!
Next, is http://www.majortest.com/ , a personal favorite. This site has over 50 practice test covering SAT math, critical reading, and writing. It also includes 1500 SAT vocabulary word list.
Whoever says SAT practice is not fun, has not seen this final website: www.sheppardsoftware.com/web_games_vocab_sat.htm Sheppard Software has created vocabulary games to help improve your vocabulary and improve your SAT scores. This is a good site to explore for all kinds of FREE educational games.
If this weeks freebies have been a blessing to you, pass them on to a friend!
Thanks and have a blessed week,
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