The Life Of Christ:
From the Gospel of John
By Frank Hamrick
Positive Action For Christ
From the Gospel of John
By Frank Hamrick
Positive Action For Christ
800 688-3008
I do not know about you, but I have a hard time finding a good Bible curriculum that is easy to use with my middle and high school students. So I was excited when I learned that Positive Action was sending a copy of The Life of Christ to use with my children in exchange for my honest review of their Bible curriculum.
When I first opened the box, I was impressed with the Teacher's Manual. The manual is in a sturdy three ring binder, which contains teaching strategies, background information, quizzes, test, answer keys and a recommended reading list. The manual also has copies of the pages from the student's manual, so that you are able to follow along as your student reads and completes the activities. One really nice benefit is the included computer CD that provided transparencies to accompany each lesson. The colorful, soft cover Students Manual includes activities, lessons, maps, charts and Bible study questions. The student's book is 277 pages and is consumable.
Another feature I especially appreciated was the insert in the Teacher's Manual that shows a parent how to use the Positive Action Bible Curriculum in a homeschool setting. They also include suggestions for using the program for independent study, for co-ops, church groups and family devotion time.
After reviewing the week's lesson in the teacher's manual, my 12 year old son and I worked through the lesson in the student manual. We chose to use the optional Scripture memorization portion of the program which is included in the student manual. After completing the student's lesson, we completed the "Notes from the Teacher's Lesson", which serves as a review of the students lesson and is accompanied by transparencies. Each lesson has a quiz and a digging Deeper section. Upon the completion of each unit, a test is provided.
I found the content of each lesson quite interesting and well organized. The curriculum is divided into 7 units which includes a total of 35 lessons.
I felt the content was appropriate for the target age group. However, I believe middle school age students will need a more hands on approach to assure a solid understanding of the courses content. High school students should be able to use this program independently. I would definitely recommend this Bible course to fellow homeschoolers and I am looking forward to completing the study with my 7th and 10th graders.
Where can you find this great Bible curriculum?
How much does this program cost?
The Student's Manual is $17.95 and the Teacher's Manual is $41.95
There are several other options available on the Positive Actions website.
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Great review! You did a wonderful job!
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed doing this Bible study with my husband.
God bless,
Fellow Crew Member - Lisa
I am considering purchasing this so appreciated your review. Thank you!