(562) 533-5772
1 year license $19.99/2 year license $29.99
Lifetime license $39.99
Mad Dog Math is a computerized math fact drill program that was created by a veteran educator. It is designed to supplement any math curriculum and just requires 10 minutes a day. This software is geared towards children in grades K-5, however it can be used for remediation of students in middle school and high school. The goal of Mad Dog Math is to foster mastery of the math facts.
Mad Dog Math imcludes four skill levels. Level 1 has addition and subtraction facts.There is plenty of review built into this level. Level 2 also includes addition and subtraction problems. This level includes more difficult problem then level 1. Level 3 contains both multiplication and division facts from 0-12. The fourth level or challenge level has all four operations mixed on a practice sheet.
One nice feature of the program is the ability to time the practice sets. Students start out with two minute drills then progress to one minute drills and finally to thirty second drills. The timer feature allows for the program to be used by children above the targeted age group. Mad Dog Math is easy to use and keeps track of your student’s progress. I think that by breaking the math facts into small manageable pieces, mastery is more easily achieved. I used Mad Dog Math with my fifth grade daughter over the past few weeks. She found it fun and enjoyed the timed drills. She also got a kick out of the dog barking when she successful completed a practice sheet.
Mad Dog Math is a Windows PC application that is easily downloaded to your computer. Try it for free at: http://www.maddogmath.com/
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