Kid Scoop's Reluctant Reader Solution
P.O. Box 1802
Sonoma, CA 95476
Telephone: 707.996.6077
Fax: 707.938.8718
E-mail: http://www.kidscoop.com/
Kid Scoop Reluctant Reader Solution is a FUN way to get your child to enjoy reading. I received a free subscription to this program in exchange for my honest review of their product. I was excited to have the opportunity to use this product with Karina, my 10 year old daughter, who is a reluctant reader. The Kid Scoop's Reluctant Reader Solution welcome email arrived with easy to follow directions. I was quickly able to access their website and download the program. The Reluctant Reader Solution consist of two parts. Part one is a 365 page e-book with thematic lessons. Each lesson is approximately 6 pages long and is jammed packed with interesting articles, fun puzzles, inviting writing prompts and so much more. The articles are short snippets of information, presented in an eye appealing layout. Also included are recommended websites and books to enhance the lesson.
The second portion of the program is a one year subscription to the Kid Scoop New, a monthly online newspaper for kids grades 2-8. This 15 page newspaper is colorful and
like the first component is filled with FUN, FUN, and MORE FUN! My daughter did not
view this as more school work but as a enjoyable activity. She especially liked the jokes and the word search puzzles. The newspapers can be printed out or read from the computer. Several elements makes this newspaper a great learning tool. First, the topics of the articles are interesting and relevant to the target age group. Second, the Reluctant Reader Solution program's themes correlate with some of the articles in the newspaper. Karina found this element extremely appealing because when she found an article that was very interesting she could continue her fun with the additional lessons. Finally, the online newspaper has a audio format feature which let's the student listen to the articles being read aloud. Although the voice quality is not the greatest, Karina loved to hear the articles read.
In addition, the Kid Scoop website ( http://www.kidscoop.com/ ) is full of wonderful resources for parents, teachers and students. Karina and I both enjoyed the online Mad Lib style games and word search puzzles. I was also able to sign up for a free daily newsletter with theme related writing prompts and activities. I would highly recommend the Kid Scoop's Reluctant Reader Solution to anyone interested in making reading FUN!-DAMENTAL.
A one year subscription to Kid Scoop Reluctant Reader Solution is $97 per year.
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