It's time to start thinking about curriculum for next year and I just discovered a great complete program for students in 8-12th grade. The best thing is it is totally FREE!!!!
SAS® Curriculum Pathways is your online partner for teaching the core curriculum: English, history, science, mathematics, Spanish learner-centered tools, lessons, and resources with measurable outcomes Interactive components that foster higher-order thinking skills Twenty-first century skills integrated into content
To register and to find out more click on the link. http://www.sas.com/govedu/edu/curriculum/index.html?gclid=CIzyvL7pjKgCFYXc4AodJXekDA
Another great freebie is http://www.homeschoolmath.net/ . It is a comprehensive math resource site for homeschooling parents, parents, and teachers. You will find: free worksheets; affordable math books; an extensive list of online math games & resources; a homeschool math curriculum guide; math teaching articles/lessons.
Check back next week for more free homeschooling curriculum. Lauren
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