The fist freebie this week is a wonder research tool for high school level students.
Using Primary Resources Analyzing primary resources can be difficult if you are not sure what you are looking for. This site has 17 analysis resources for kids to use when they are analyzing different types of primary resources. They include: an introduction, breakdown worksheet, artifact analysis, cartoon analysis, map analysis, motion picture analysis, photo analysis, poster analysis, reading maps, sound recording analysis, written document analysis, wills and inventories, interviews, and reading newspapers: advertisements, editorial and opinion pieces, factual reporting, and reader contributions http://www.learnnc.org/search?ed_type=learner
The New York Times: Learning Network brings world news to your school room with The New York Times Learning Network. There are links to lessons, student opinions, tips, and more. http://learning.blogs.nytimes.com/
For Today's Christian Family: Crosswalk.com's homeschooling channel offers free homeschooling resources and the latest homeschooling news, updates, advice, and encouragement. You're invited to sign up now for FREE weekly Homeschool Newsletters from Crosswalk.com! Join the Crosswalk community and connect with other homeschoolers and families around the world. http://www.salememail.com/specialoffers/crosswalkhomeschoolnewsletters/
Freebie Friday will be on Spring Break for the next two Fridays. Check back on May 6th for the next Freebie Friday.
Happy Easter
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